
iPhone를위한 Clean Time App

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 2.6.0
  • 4.9

  • 보안 상태

Softonic 리뷰

청소 시간 앱: 회복과 시간 추적을 위한 강력한 일 수 카운터

Clean Time App is a versatile day counter designed for individuals recovering from addiction or anyone wanting to track time since a significant event. Developed by Justin Bray, this free app is available for iPhone users.

With Clean Time App, users can customize the app by adding their name, date, colors, and the specific area they are recovering from, whether it's alcohol, drugs, overeating, gambling, or smoking. The app provides a simple and intuitive interface to easily keep track of time.

Users can view their time in different formats, including years, months, and days, or total days, or even hours, minutes, and seconds by clicking on the time. This flexibility allows users to monitor their progress with precision.

In addition to time tracking, Clean Time App offers a gratitude list feature, allowing users to add things they are grateful for. This helps promote positivity and reflection throughout the recovery journey.

Furthermore, the app provides convenient access to the "Just for Today" reading and the reading from the beginning of the Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. This feature enables users to find inspiration and guidance in their daily recovery practice.

Clean Time App promises more features to come, ensuring continuous improvement and an enhanced user experience. If users encounter any issues or have questions or suggestions, they can reach out to the developer via email at

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iPhone를위한 Clean Time App

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 2.6.0
  • 4.9

  • 보안 상태

Clean Time App에 대한 사용자 리뷰

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